Why is Safer Internet Day important for NDIS Participants?

NDIS Internet Safe Day Sydney

Why is Safer Internet Day important for NDIS Participants? Digital technology is for everyone, but unfortunately.. , it can also be a means by which people are taken advantage of. With the celebration of Safer Internet Day, it provides the opportunity to learn more about the most common scams done online. As awareness builds empowerment, […]

Key Differences between NDIS Plan Management and Self-Managed NDIS

Key Differences between NDIS Plan Management and Self-Managed NDIS

An NDIS participant will have to decide how they should manage their NDIS funding. And decide which is the best option between Plan Management and Self-Management? Your situation, personality, and how much time you have are some of the factors that you will need to consider when choosing between the two. Both options allow control […]