Raising our expectations of and for people with disability

Society’s expectations of people with disability are generally far too low. I’ve always said that we should do what we can to change that perception.  It starts with active listening, offering choices and holding everyone to a higher standard.  It involves assuming ability first and adjusting our support based on what we need.  It means […]

Everything you need to know about PACE

1 November 2023 Latest updates for NDIS participants and LMW Members:   The NDIA will delay the full rollout of PACE until February 2024. From 31 October, participants getting an NDIS plan for the first time will have their plan built in PACE. From 31 October, any existing NDIS participant who has an identified change […]

Building Connection and Social Inclusion

I see life as like eating an ice cream – it’s often difficult, sometimes messy, but always enjoyable .… if you can find the sweetness in it! And it’s true. Living with cerebral palsy affects my whole life, and gives me my fair share of challenges. But my life is still pretty big, busy and […]

What you need to know about changes to the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth)

Overview The Fair Work Amendment (Secure Jobs, Better Pay) Act 2022 (FW Act) was passed on December 2. The Bill represents the most substantial set of amendments ever made to the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) (FW Act). There is so much detail in the amendments made by the FW Act it is almost impossible […]

Alex will give anything a go

Epilepsy is one of the most common and serious brain disorders globally and yet there is a great lack of knowledge and misunderstanding about this brain disorder, and how people living with epilepsy go on with their daily living. Epilepsy is a disorder of the brain which takes a form of recurring seizures, and over 800,000 […]

Get Involved with “Make March Purple” for Epilepsy

Did you know that every 33 minutes someone’s life is turned upside down by Epilepsy? For the month of March, we come together to help bring awareness and encourage others to “Make March Purple for Epilepsy”! Epilepsy is a condition which affects the brain and causes seizures.  Seizures occur when there is a disruption to […]

Celebrating Sydney WorldPride Festival

This week, we celebrate the very first WorldPride Festival in Sydney.  Both Mardi Gras and Sydney WorldPride will unite LGBTIQ+ communities and Prides from across the world for an exciting festival of events. With support and focus on diversity and inclusivity for communities with disability, Living My Way spoke with Member Emily Dash, who is a talented […]

Amendments to Fair Work Act 2009

Amendments have been recently made to the Fair Work Act 2009 incorporating new provisions that address Family and Domestic Violence. From 1 February 2023, the change means all employees (casual and full time) will be able to access 10 days of paid family and domestic violence leave in a 12-month period. This change affects our […]

Get involved in International Day of People with Disability (IDPwD)

This month, we want to come together and encourage others to ‘see the ability in disability’ as we celebrate International Day of People with Disability (IDPwD) on Saturday, 3 December. Held annually, IDPwD is a United Nations observed day celebrated internationally. Its goal is to increase public awareness, understanding and acceptance of people with disability […]

Supporting Cerebral Palsy This STEPtember

STEPtember Move Together for Cerebral Palsy

We don’t believe in robots. Or sitting behind a keyboard. We’re real people who really want to help, so this STEPtember we’ll be getting out and about in your community to raise funds and awareness for Cerebral Palsy. We want to raise funds so more people with Cerebral Palsy can get the equipment they need.  […]