Living My Way Charter of Rights – Easy read version
All adults and children have rights.
Rights are rules about how everyone should be treated.
This Charter explains your rights and what you can expect as a Member or participant of Living My Way.
You have the right to:
Safe and high-quality services and supports.
Be treated fairly and with respect, free from:
Have people respect who you are.
Take part in decisions about how we support you.
Involve the people you want when making decisions and plans
Make choices about your own life.
Your personal information being kept private.
Access the services you need.
Have help so you can reach your goals.
Support so you can take part in your community the way you want.
Honesty if something goes wrong.
Have your questions and complaints answered fairly and quickly.
Get information about your services and supports that is easy to understand.
A well-run organisation that wants you to be involved.