A farmer’s tale
Gerry is a farmer. He spent many years working his 4,000-acre farm in Condobilin with his wife and three sons. In 1975, he was diagnosed with Muscular Dystrophy (MD), but that didn’t stop Gerry. He adapted his farming equipment to continue working on the land he loved for many more years.
As his MD progressed, Gerry and his wife Rose made the tough decision to sell their farm and move to Grafton and be closer to medical facilities. Gerry has been managing his own Support Workers since 2006 and is a font of knowledge for others contemplating the same.
“We've always found a way to make things work; it's how I've coped with life's challenges. We take great care of our Support Workers, handling hiring and firing ourselves. We're truly grateful for the people who help us. They understand my needs, and often I don’t even have to ask—they just know. It’s been a very successful arrangement.”
- Gerry, EYO Member
Kerrie’s story (Gerry’s Support Worker)
“I’ve been helping Gerry for the last three years with his daily physical support. It’s simple things like scratching his nose, or making sure his beloved radio is left on his tray at the end of my shift so he can enjoy talkback for the rest of the afternoon.”
“Gerry loves nicknames, so in the beginning, it was learning what belonged to what (equipment body parts, and everything). I worked in aged care for 23 years before becoming a Support Worker. I love the difference. You have time to build relationships, and it’s so much more rewarding. Gerry always makes me smile, and the simple things are important for his care.”
“I help Gerry live life the way he wants. We cut out stories from the newspaper that keep him in touch with his love of the land and his life before. He always wants to keep his special memories and I’m always happy to help him.”
- Kerrie, Support Worker
Rose and Gerry (video)
Rose (video)
Kerrie and Gerry (video)
“We have a good system that runs well, and I trust them 100% which is wonderful.”
- Rose, Gerry's Wife