Rose is the wife of Gerry, a farmer. In 1975, Gerry was diagnosed with Muscular Dystrophy (MD).
“It has been a long slow progression with Gerry’s disease. Early on before we discovered self-management, we had strangers coming into our home and it felt like a privacy invasion. Gerry was training hundreds of different people and we got sick of it. Then we joined LMW and took the management over ourselves and everything changed. I get support handling the paperwork and payroll which helps a lot.”
“Now Gerry chooses his Support Workers but I’m involved too, and we do the interviews together. Because it always involves people in our home, this is a decision we both make and whoever we choose always needs to align with our values. We build rapport with our Support Workers and get to know them. I don’t hover and let them do their job. If there’s an issue we discuss and work it out together.”
“We have a good system that runs well, and I trust them 100% which is wonderful.”
- Rose, Gerry’s Wife
Advocating for accessibility
“Our persistent efforts led to a victory when our local post office eventually installed a ramp. Gerry also provided valuable insights to our local Council during the building phase of a new public carpark, ensuring it was accessible for everyone.”
“We yearn for better community facilities and more thoughtful planning from developers when building new homes. For example, our friends always have to visit us because there’s no access for Gerry to visit them. Being an ex-pilot, Gerry dreams of spending more time at our local Aero Club, but despite our letters and advocacy, little has changed. Even the new wing at our local hospital has its share of accessibility challenges. With our lived experience we’ve learned that we can’t fight every battle, so we choose the ones that matter most.”
Rose and Gerry (video)
Kerrie and Gerry (video)